Rare Diseases - Digital Knowledge Platform KMSK

in emergencies
Behavior in emergencies

In an emergency, it's important to do the right thing quickly while remaining calm.

No easy undertaking when it is your own child own child. In order to help him or her quickly, good preparation for the emergency and cooperation between parents and the professionals are central.

Information on the disclaimer

Important notes

Note 1: Creates an emergency plan

Emergency plans are not only important for you as parents, but also for all caregivers. Everyone can read about how to recognize critical situations and, in the best case, how to avert one or what to do if the emergency occurs. You know your child best and know which situations can become emergencies. The simpler and clearer the instructions are with all the necessary information including the important contacts and phone numbers, the better.

Note 2: Be prepared for an emergency

Emergency situations are often the order of the day for parents with sick children the order of the day. Making plans is virtually impossible, which can lead to stress stress. Therefore, always carry a pencil case with your child's diagnosis list, any emergency protocols and all medication dosages, and pass them on to your child's caregivers so that they are also prepared if you as parents are not on hand.

Note 3: Recognize an emergency, dial 144 (or 145 in case of poisoning) and share important information

An acute emergency is indicated when children do not show sufficient respiration (altered breathing), when circulatory failure is imminent (skin color pale/ grayish) or when children no longer react react appropriately to their environment. In such situations, 144 must be dialed must be dialed.

In addition, there are also imminent emergencies, for example after an accident, if children have swallowed dangerous objects (including a Button battery or several magnets) or after poisoning. In the latter case it is important to call 145 (Tox Info Suisse) to find out what measures are required Measures are necessary.

On the phone, the following information should be given in particular: Name, address, type of emergency, age and underlying disease (if present) of the child.

Note 4: Collaboration with healthcare professionals helps keep you calm

In order to help the child as quickly as possible, you parents should quickly share all important information with the specialists. What is the underlying disease of your child? What medications is he or she taking? Is there an emergency plan for acute illnesses? Work together with the professionals and let yourself be involved in the collaboration.

Note 5: Potentially critically ill children will be prioritized for emergency treatment

All children are triaged/transferred Arrived at emergency triaged/transferred by a nurse. This means that potentially seriously ill children are always given priority. A Staying in an emergency department still requires patience. One help is, medical records with you, as well as your child's medications, as it can be very difficult to organize it can be very difficult to organize rare medications on an emergency basis.

Important questions

What are rare disease helplines and how do I reach them?

Rare disease helplines are usually offered by hospitals and are numbers that can be dialed free of charge can be dialed free of charge. The staff have many years of Experience in the field of rare diseases and offer advice on topics of Topics that are of particular concern to those affected, often beyond medical medical questions. Patients, relatives as well as health Health professionals or insurance companies can call the number (usually there is also an e-mail address). In an acute emergency the 144 is the right number to call.

The helpline is not a consultation telephone. The staff cannot make diagnoses, prescribe therapies or offer psychological counseling. The Helpline staff are also bound by the duty of confidentiality. Any data provided will be treated confidentially.

Where can I find other important information about hospitalization and emergencies?

A hospital visit is a stressful situation for the affected child and often also for the whole family. In the majority of cases, children come to the hospital as an emergency. Good preparation for such a situation can help ensure that an emergency runs as smoothly as possible.

Child+Hospital Association

The Kind+Spital association provides helpful tips and advocates for better conditions of stay for children in hospital (e.g. rooming-in for parents, extension of visiting hours, child-friendly care and supervision, comprehensive information and involvement of parents and the child in everyday care).

Interesting links

Tips for parents

Interesting technical articles from the KMSK knowledge books "Rare Diseases

5. Knowledge Book "Rare Diseases - Digital Knowledge Platform for Parents and Professionals"

Michelle Miller, Baden Cantonal Hospital: Proper behavior in emergency situations