Many challenges you face as a family member of children with special needs are disconnected from the actual diagnosis or condition.
This is precisely why it is important for affected families to exchange ideas and provide each other with support, stability and strength. Those affected often know best how to deal with a challenging situation and know important tips and tricks.
Important notes
Note 1: Exchange information with other affected parents
Most of the time there are other families who are affected by the same fate whether in Switzerland or in other countries. Often parents are often organized in patient organizations, associations or self-help organized. This can be specific to one disease or as in our case in the support association disease-unspecific. Look for such Points of contactbecause it is usually very uplifting when you know that you are not alone. An exchange can also be be supportive and helpful even if the children are not affected by the same Affected by the same disease. Note: On social media such as Facebook you can find many closed groups (in Switzerland and abroad) on an unbelievably large number of many topics that allow uncomplicated exchange. If you add a You will find like-minded people with a little luck.
Note 2: Attends trainings for families of children with rare diseases
Children's hospitals regularly provide education for families of Children with rare diseases. These trainings offer a good To stay up to date with the latest medical developments and at the same time with specialists and other people affected by the disease. Find out the websites or contact the social services of the children's Children's Hospitals for more information.
Note 3: Helplines for rare diseases
Some (children's) hospitals offer a helpline for rare diseases. The helpline is aimed at children and adults and provides support in finding help Search for help.
Primarily, it is intended to serve as a guide and help, and specialists as well as possible self-help groups and patient organizations Patient organizations.
The focus here is not yet on concrete In the foreground.
Important questions
What patient organizations and support groups are there?
Under the tile Contact points you can search for an organization for patients that corresponds to the clinical picture or diagnosis of your child or is or is cross-disease. Often there are Support groups or discussion groups. And also independently support groups and associations are listed under this tile, which link affected network affected families without the need for a diagnosis. The Exchange can also help detached from the specific diagnosis. Many self-help groups also have online offerings.
Here it can also be worthwhile, for example, in Germany (e.g., the Alliance Of Chronic Rare Diseases (ACHSE) e.V.) or Austria (e.g. Forum for rare diseases).
Self Help Switzerland
The Swiss Self-Help Foundation is committed to strengthening the self-help community and lists a wide range of self-help Diseases" and lists a wide range of self-help groups.
What online forums and chats are there where an exchange between affected families is possible?
Cuore matto
Interesting links
Cystic Fibrosis Switzerland
Interesting links
The other child
"The Other Child" is an open chat forum for parents of children with special needs. Here, concerned parents can ask their Ask questions, but also share important tips and tricks, and thus offer each other a hand.
Interesting links
Interesting Links
My.EpiCoach, the platform of epi suisse, provides contact persons for the between people with epilepsy, parents and relatives. Affected and relatives who have already gathered a wealth of experience are are available as epilepsy coaches for other people with epilepsy and their relatives and answer individual questions.
Interesting Links
Support association for children with rare diseases
HPS Switzerland
Insieme Parents Sofa
The insieme Parents' Sofa is aimed at mothers and fathers of children with with intellectual disabilities and offers the possibility parents can pass on the information and experience they have gathered information and experiences. Affected parents publish information about themselves and their Information about themselves and their child and offer to be contacted for specific questions to contact them for specific questions .
Interesting links
Interesting links:
Cancer League
In the online cancer forum, those affected and those close to them exchange and share their experiences and knowledge. In the expert consultation hour, questions can questions can be put directly to experts.
Interesting links
Marfan Foundation Switzerland
The Marfan Foundation organizes coffee get-togethers so that Affected persons can exchange information.
Interesting links
REHAkids is a forum for families of children with mild developmental delay, Physical disabilities or severe or multiple disabilities. The forum offers the possibility to exchange with other affected parents and professionals and now has 50,000 members.
Interesting links
What specific recreational activities are available to encourage sharing?
DEBRA Switzerland
Interesting links
Interesting Links
Duchenne Switzerland
Interesting links
Parents' Association for the Child with Heart Disease
The Parents' Association for the Child with Heart Disease offers various Events for exchange among affected families. Be it a family brunch, a (virtual) HERZ-Café, a picnic or a youth meeting.
Interesting Links
Parents Association of Children with Liver Diseases
The Parents' Association for Children with Liver Diseases offers various Events that serve the exchange, such as a so-called encounter meeting.
Interesting links
epi Suisse
The self-help day is aimed specifically at those who lead or attend a Self-help group in the field of epilepsy. In addition, epi Suisse supports numerous self-help groups for parents of children with epilepsy in Switzerland switzerland.
Interesting links
Support association for children with rare diseases
The KMSK Family Network regularly invites to free KMSK Family Events. This gives families the opportunity to exchange ideas with other affected families and at the same time experience a break from From everyday life.
Galactosemia Switzerland
Interesting links
Help for brain injured children (hiki)
hiki organizes a Parents' Day, a Family Day and a Grandparents' Day every year. The Parents' Day offers thematic input as well as space for exchange among the parents (for children a supporting program with 1:1 supervision is offered). The Family day offers the opportunity to spend a varied day with each other and to and to network and exchange ideas with other affected families exchange ideas. On Grandparents' Day, the commitment of grandparents will be recognized and there is room for their concerns and questions.
Intensive Kids
The association Intensiv-Kids aims to provide assistance and help for self-help for families with children and young adults with complex illnesses and special needs and offers an annual barbecue and Halloween party.
Interest group phenylketonuria (PKU)
Interesting links
Children's Cancer Aid Switzerland
Interesting links
Contact point PINOCCHIO (association for parents with children without finger, hand, arm)
Interesting Links
Mastocytosis Switzerland
Interesting Links
Prader Willi Syndrome Association Switzerland
Interesting links
Rett Association Switzerland
Interesting links
SBH Switzerland (Spina bifida and hydrocephalus)
Interesting links
Swiss Hemophilia Society
Interesting Links
Swiss Muscle Society
The Family day is aimed at children and young people with a muscular disorder as well as their parents, siblings and relatives and serves the mutual Get to know each other and network.
Interesting links
Swiss Association Williams-Beuren Syndrome
Interesting Links
SMA Switzerland (People with Spinal Muscular Atrophy)
Interesting links
Sunshine Foundation
The foundation Sonnenschein supports families with a child suffering from cancer with different Offers such as day trips or a brunch.
Interesting links
Foundation visoparents
The Visoparents foundation organizes various parent meetings with thematic E.g. autism in preschool age or vision plus.
Interesting links
Association of Parents of Split Children (VES)
Among other things, the VES provides support work related to the exchange of experiences and mediates between affected families. Events are held annually to network families of children with clefts.
Interesting links
Wilson's disease association
Interesting Links
What information events / specialized lectures are offered for affected families?
Crohn's Colitis Switzerland
Interesting links
DEBRA Switzerland
Interesting links
Duchenne Switzerland
Interesting links
Parents Forum Central Switzerland
The Parents' Forum is a network of various organizations and offers annual informational events on various topics (e.g. mourning, belonging).
Interesting links
Support association for children with rare diseases
Every year, the Förderverein KMSK organizes a Knowledge Forum, which is dedicated to a specific topic. For example, the topics have already been genetics, diagnostics and the desire for more children" and "psychosocial challenges" Challenges" have been discussed.
Interesting Links
Help for brain injured children (hiki)
hiki organizes thematic workshops or conferences for relatives and professionals at irregular intervals for relatives and professionals on the topic of brain injuries in childhood Childhood.
Interesting links
Intensive Kids
The purpose of the intensiv-kids association is And self-help for families with complexly ill children and young adults with special needs Adults with special needs and offers specialized lectures as part of the "Elternoase" programs.
Interesting links
Marfan Foundation Switzerland
Interesting links
Interesting links
Child and Autism Foundation
Interesting technical articles from the KMSK knowledge books "Rare Diseases
Take a look at all these knowledge books from our KMSK support association. Every family that shares their story gives Insight into their own world and opens up to other families. In the process tips and tricks, as well as challenges and opportunities and opportunities that affected families experience in their daily lives and that can help other families not to feel alone and to benefit from the knowledge of others benefit.
Interesting links
Knowledge book 1: "Rare Diseases - Insights into the lives of affected families"Knowledge Book 2: "Rare Diseases - The Path - Genetics , Everyday Life, Family and Life Planning"
Knowledge book 3: "Rare diseases - Therapies for the children and support for the families"
Knowledge book 4: "Rare diseases - Psychosocial challenges for parents and siblings"
Knowledge book 5: "Rare diseases - Digital knowledge platform for parents and professionals"
5. KMSK Knowledge Book "Rare Diseases - Digital Knowledge Platform for Parents and Professionals"
Collaboration with parents' associations and networking among parents
Marisa Widmer, pilot project regional KMSK family meetings:
The family meetings are valuable, provide experiences and give new impulses